Epidemiologic studies on exocrine pancreatic cancer show a large heterogene
ity in diagnostic criteria applied to define "caseness." Reanalyses conduct
ed after review of diagnostic information have yielded substantially differ
ent results than those based on more crude classifications of disease. Duri
ng a multicenter prospective study on mutations in the K-ras gene in pancre
atic and biliary diseases, hospital diagnoses from 602 patients were review
ed by a panel of experts. There were two main motivations to do so: a gener
ic interest for the quality of the diagnostic data, and the anticipation th
at a firm diagnosis could be needed to assess whether patients whose tumors
did not harbor the mutation were true negatives or false negatives. In add
ition, the review of diagnoses was helpful to minimize tissue misclassifica
tion, and it had a high educational value for clinicians and epidemiologist
s. This article illustrates why and how this was so through a brief present
ation of the 10 most significant cases. With respect to selection and class
ification of subjects, the main issues that studies on pancreatic cancer ne
ed to address are the differential diagnosis of exocrine pancreatic cancer
and pancreatitis, the differential diagnosis of exocrine pancreatic cancer
and other abdominal tumors, and the use of survival as a hallmark of pancre
atic cancer. In epidemiologic studies of pancreatic cancer, it is warranted
that a panel of experts centrally reviews all the existing diagnostic evid
ence (cytohistological and other) of all patients, regardless of Whether th
ey have cytohistological confirmation and of their hospital discharge diagn
osis. J CLIN EPIDEMIOL 51;12:1215-1221, 1998. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science Inc