Continuous assessment of cardiac output and SVO2 in the critically ill may
be helpful in both the monitoring variations in the patient's cardiovascula
r state and in determining the efficacy of therapy.
Commercially available continuous cardiac output (CCO) monitoring systems a
re based on the pulsed warm thermodilution technique. In vitro validation s
tudies have demonstrated that this method provides higher accuracy and grea
ter resistance to thermal noise than standard bolus thermodilution techniqu
es. Numerous clinical studies comparing bolus with continuous thermodilutio
n techniques have shown this technique similarly accurate to track each oth
er and to have negligible bias between them. The comparison between continu
ous thermal and other cardiac output methods also demonstrates good precisi
on of the continuous thermal technique.
Accuracy of continuous oximetry monitoring using reflectance oximetry via f
iberoptics has been assessed both in vitro and in vivo. Most of the studies
testing agreement between continuous SVO2 measurements and pulmonary arter
ial blood samples measured by standard oximetry have shown good correlation
, Continuous SVO2 monitoring is often used in the management of critically
ill patients. The most recently designed pulmonary artery catheters are now
able to simultaneously measure either SVO2 and CCO or SVO2 and right ventr
icular ejection fraction. This ability to view simultaneous trends of SVO2
and right ventricular performance parameters will probably allow the clinic
ian to graphically see the impact of volume loading or inotropic therapy ov
er time, as well as the influence of multiple factors, including right vent
ricular dysfunction, on SVO2. However, the cost-effectiveness of new pulmon
ary artery catheters application remains still questionable because no esta
blished utility or therapeutic guidelines are available. Copyright (C) 1998
by W.B. Saunders Company.