Diffusion theory can completely describe the movement of a ciliate along a
track of a certain length (L), travelled in a time (t), and with the extrem
es lying at a distance D. Three important descriptors of this behavior are:
(1) the kinetic index (I-k = L/t), namely the average velocity in mu m/s,
which expresses the state of the "accelerator" of the ciliate; (2) the geom
etric index (I-g = D/L) measuring the straightness of the track by a dimens
ionless number, 0 less than or equal to I-g less than or equal to 1, which
expresses the state of the "steering wheel" and represents a sort of "direc
tional efficiency"; and (3) the displacement rate (R-d = D/t), integrating
the first two indices and expressing the combined effect of the "accelerato
r" and the "steering wheel" of the organism with a unique measure (in mu m/
s), which defines the average displacement rate or the effectiveness of the
track in displacing the organism in space. A weighted estimate of general
mobility is given by the mobility rate [R-mo = ((R) over bar(d).f)(creeping
) + ((R) over bar(d).f)(swimming)], obtained by multiplying the average R-d
of the creeping organisms and the average R-d of the swimming organisms by
their relative frequencies of occurrence (f), and adding the two products.
Values for experimental populations of Oxytricha bifaria (Ciliata, Hypotri
chida) maintained at 24, 19, 14, and 9 degrees C demonstrated both the appr
opriateness and the usefulness of these indices and rates to describe the t
racks a posteriori, and to provide measures to reason about their possible
adaptive significance.