It has been postulated that evacuation systems used in dentistry could be a
source of cross-contamination between patients through backflow of bacteri
a dislodged from the saliva ejector tubings. The bacterial microflora assoc
iated with these systems was characterized using transmission electron micr
oscopy (TEM) and microbiological cultures. The potential for backflow was i
nvestigated by a study of pressure differentials in evacuation system tubin
g and by the presence of bacteria in backflow samples. Evacuation lines wer
e coated with microbial biofilms in which microcolonies of Gram-positive co
cci and Gram-negative bacilli predominated, embedded in an extensive polysa
ccharide matrix. Most bacteria were metabolically active. Occasionally, buc
cal material such as collagen, fibrin and eukaryotic cell debris was observ
ed. In other experiments, flow reversal was detected several times during s
aliva ejector use though each of these events was brief (less than 0.1 s).
Aspiration of saliva, or occlusion of the mouthpiece opening by the oral mu
cosa, were the major factors leading to backflow episodes. Bacteria associa
ted with backflow were found in almost 25% assays, with counts ranging from
1-300 cfu/occurrence. The majority of the bacteria isolated from biofilm o
r backflow samples were staphylococci, micrococci and non-fermentive Gramne
gative rods. Pathogens such as Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Staphylococcus au
reus were also isolated from backflow fluids. No oral streptococci could be
recovered from biofilms in the tubing beyond 15 min from the last saliva e
jector use however, suggesting that these species did not survive in the bi
ofilms. These data suggest, although without direct proof of cross-contamin
ation, the possible existence of an infectious risk associated with oral ev
acuation systems, as potential pathogens may be shed from tubing biofilms f
ollowing backflow. Even if the risk of cross-contamination between patients
is considered to be low, the necessity for regular disinfection of these s
ystems must be stressed, since biofilms can serve as a reservoir for pathog
ens or harbor potentially infectious material.