Photosensitive polymers are becoming increasingly important for holographic
applications. Commercially available polymers have proved essential to the
development of holography as a tool to prevent counterfeiting, for hologra
phic optical elements, as media for display holography, as well as media fo
r waveguiding and to make optical interconnects. Simple polymers such as PV
A, PAA, PVCz and PMMA were shown to be quite useful in the field of polariz
ation holography, real-time holography, and non-linear optics. High real-ti
me diffraction efficiency as achieved with dye doped dichormated polyvinyl
alcohol (DCPVA) and polyacrylic acid (DCPAA) opens the door to a more exten
sive usage of these polymers for specific applications. However, developmen
t procedures and fabrication techniques have to be established to permit br
oad utilization of these simple and inexpensive recording media.