The National Zoological Park has maintained a breeding colony of Matschie's
tree kangaroos (Dendrolagus matschiei) since 1975 with a documented histor
y and continued prevalence of Mycobacterium avium complex (MAC) infections.
No evidence of immunosuppressive retrovirus infections or loss of heterozy
gosity that may have led to an immune dysfunction in these animals was foun
d. Isolates of MAC organisms from affected tree kangaroos and from their en
vironment had no common restriction fragment DNA types. Cellular immune rea
ctivity in apparently healthy tree kangaroos was 3- to 6-fold lower than in
humans and other marsupial and eutherian mammals, as determined by lymphoc
yte proliferative assays. Thus, while MAC infections are typically opportun
istic in humans and other mammals, tree kangaroos commonly develop primary
progressive disease with MAC from random sources. Comparative information d
erived from this study should benefit both the endangered tree kangaroo and
humans with immunosuppressive disorders that lead to mycobacterial infecti