This study reports the expression of inducible nitric oxide synthase (NOS)
in heart from autoimmune myocarditis mice associated with an alteration in
their contractile behavior By mean of the production of [U-C-14]citrulline
from [U-C-14]arginine and immunoblot assay, the expression of iNOS was demo
nstrated in autoimmune atria that was normally absent. The iNOS activity de
creased with administration of dexametasone and in mice treated with monocl
onal anti-interferon-gamma antibody (anti-IFN-gamma mAb). The inhibitors of
protein kinase C activity (staurosporine) but not calcium/ calmodulin (tri
fluoperazine) attenuated the iNOS activity Moreover, autoimmune atria prese
nted contractile alterations (lower values of dF/dt than control). The in v
ivo treatment:with inhibitors of NOS activity or anti-IFN-gamma mAb or dexa
metasone improved the contractile activity of autoimmune atria with no chan
ge in the contractility of normal atria. The results suggest that the infil
trative cells in myocarditis heart have a potential role in cardiac dysfunc
tion by production of IFN-gamma and subsequent expression of iNOS, that in
turn alter the contractile behavior of the heart. The data indicate that cy
tokines induced activation of L-arginine nitric oxide pathway in myocarditi
s atria leading to contractile dysfunction. (C) 1998 Academic Press.