Iodine-123-labeled idophenylpentadecanoic acid (IPPA) metabolic imaging has
been shown to be clinically useful for the identification of myocardial vi
ability in patients with coronary artery disease and left ventricular dysfu
nction. Imaging is usually performed under fasting conditions since nonfast
ing conditions may affect myocardial uptake of I-123-IPPA. The purpose of t
his study was to examine the impact of dietary condition on I-123-IPPA meta
bolic imaging. Methods: Forty patients with stable coronary artery disease
underwent, in randomized order and on separate days, I-123-IPPA SPECT myoca
rdial imaging under fasting and nonfasting conditions. Patients were inject
ed with I-123-IPPA (4-5 mCi) at rest with imaging performed at 4 (initial)
and 30 (delay) min. For each image (initial and delay images), 10 segments
were analyzed by three experienced observers without knowledge of patient i
dentity or dietary condition using a 5-point grading system (0 = no uptake
to 4 = normal uptake). A summed global score was obtained for each image by
adding the scores for all 10 segments. Image quality was assessed using a
3-point grading system. Results: Visual agreement for normal and abnormal s
egments between fasting and nonfasting conditions was 82% (kappa = 0.63). T
here were no significant differences in the summed global scores for both c
onditions. Image quality was equivalent for both conditions in 65% of cases
and superior under the nonfasting condition in 25% of cases. Conclusion: I
mage quality as well as the presence, location and severity of defects are
similar under fasting and nonfasting conditions with I-123-IPPA. Therefore,
fasting is not necessary before I-123-IPPA SPECT imaging for the assessmen
t of myocardial viability.