Extensive experimental data have been collected on the oxidation of hypotau
rine, H2NCH2CH2SO2H, by chlorite and chlorine dioxide. Hypotaurine is stabl
e and reacts slowly with chlorite to give taurine, hypotaurine sulfonic aci
d, and monochloro- and dichlorotaurine. However, it reacts rapidly with chl
orine dioxide with a second-order rate constant of 801 M-1 s(-1) to give ta
urine. Oxidation occurs simultaneously at the sulfur center (to give the su
lfonic acid) and at the nitrogen center (to give the chloramines). The stoi
chiometry of the reaction was experimentally determined to be ClO2- + H2NCH
2CH2SO2H + H+ --> ClHNCH2CH2SO3H + H2O. The formation of dichlorotaurine is
favored only in high acid environments.