Modeling high-pressure mixing and combustion processes in liquid rocket eng
ines involves a variety of challenges that include all of the classical clo
sure problems and a unique set of problems imposed by the introduction of t
hermodynamic nonidealities and transport anomalies, The complicating factor
s of chemical kinetics, highly nonlinear source terms, and subgrid-scale ve
locity and scalar-mixing interactions must all be considered. The situation
becomes more complex with increasing pressure because of an inherent incre
ase in the flow Reynolds number and difficulties that arise when fluid stat
es approach the critical condition. This paper 1) outlines the fundamental
difficulties associated with modeling mixing and combustion processes at ne
ar-critical conditions, 2) outlines the theoretical and numerical framework
developed to handle these difficulties, and 3) presents the results of sim
ulations that lend insight into the intricate nature of the problem. Case s
tudies focus on model performance and accuracy requirements, Lagrangian-Eul
erian treatments of transcritical spray dynamics, and pure Eulerian treatme
nts of transcritical and supercritical mixing and combustion processes.