Directory-based coherence protocols in shared-memory multiprocessors are so
complex that verification techniques based on automated procedures are req
uired to:establish their correctness. State enumeration approaches are well
-suited to the verification of cache protocols but they face the problem of
state space explosion, leading to unacceptable verification time and memor
y consumption even for small system configurations. One way to manage this
complexity and make the verification feasible is to map the system model to
verify onto a symbolic state model (SSM). Since the number of symbolic sta
tes is considerably less than the number of system states, an exhaustive st
ate search becomes possible, even for large-scale systems and complex proto
In this paper, we develop the concepts and notations to verify some propert
ies of a directory-based protocol designed for non-FIFO interconnection net
works. We compare the verification of the protocol with SSM and with the St
anford Mur phi, a verification tool enumerating system states. We show that
SSM is much more efficient in terms of verification time and memory consum
ption and therefore holds the promise of verifying much more complex protoc
ols. A unique feature of SSM is that it verifies protocols for any system s
ize and therefore provides reliable verification results in one run of the