We study the effect of cavity topology on the nonlinear dynamics of additiv
e-pulse mode-locked (APM) lasers configured in the Fabry-Perot and Michelso
n geometries. In experiments the Fabry-Perot laser often exhibits such beha
viors as period doubling and quasiperiodicity as the nonlinearity is increa
sed, whereas the Michelson APM (M-APM) exhibits none of these effects. Nume
rical studies confirm that the M-APM appears to be more resistant to such b
ehavior and thus is more tolerant to excessive nonlinearity in the control
cavity. Using the concepts of intensity- and phase-dependent two-beam and m
ultiple-beam interference, we obtain a general empirical rule connecting ca
vity topology to pulse train instabilities for fast saturable absorber mode
-locked lasers employing coupled cavities. (C) 1998 Optical Society of Amer
ica. [S0740-3224(98)01910-9]. OCIS codes: 140.1540, 140.4050, 140.1700, 320
.7090, 320.7110.