Promoter trapping involved screening uncharacterized fragments of C. elegan
s genomic DNA for C. elegans promoter activity. By sequencing the ends of t
hese DNA fragments and locating their genomic origin using the available ge
nome sequence data, promoter trapping has now been shown to identify real p
romoters of real genes, exactly as anticipated. Developmental expression pa
tterns have thereby been linked to gene sequence, allowing further inferenc
es on gene function to be drawn. Some expression patterns generated by prom
oter trapping include subcellular details. Localization to the surface of p
articular cells or even particular aspects of the cell surface was found to
be consistent with the genes, now associated with these patterns, encoding
membrane-spanning proteins. Data on gene expression patterns are easier to
generate and characterize than mutant phenotypes and may provide the best
means of interpreting the large quantity of sequence data currently being g
enerated in genome projects.