The paper deals with a new type of polynucleotide chain packing in the slip
ped-loop structure (SLS) proposed by us earlier. A number of sequences able
to form such a structure were studied. However, many sequences, especially
long ones, are able to form alternative structures. To lessen the possibil
ity of their formation, we designed and studied several short oligodeoxynuc
leotides. SLS-25 is a symmetrical structure formed by two identical strands
. SLS-31 is formed upon interaction of two different strands carrying at th
eir ends specific sites for distamycin A binding; the latter could not only
stabilize the arising SL structure but also provide direct proof of the ex
istence of corresponding paired SLS sites. Application of chemical modifica
tions of bases allows us to say that SLS really arises in the oligodeoxynuc
leotides studied.