Ms. Singer et al., Identification of olfactory receptor mRNA sequences from the rat olfactorybulb glomerular layer, NEUROREPORT, 9(16), 1998, pp. 3745-3748
In situ hybridization has demonstrated mRNA far olfactory receptors (OR) in
the axon terminals of olfactory receptor neurons. Neurons that express the
same OR appear to send their axons to two stereotyped glomeruli in the olf
actory bulb (OB). Based on these observations, we tested the feasibility of
using RT-PCR to isolate and sequence OR mRNA from small samples of the rat
OB glomerular layer. Biomagnetic mRNA isolation followed by RT-PCR yielded
partial sequences for 21 novel members of the OR family. The results sugge
st that the topography of OR mRNA can be mapped across the OB, to study syn
aptic specificity and odor representation in the olfactory system. NeuroRep
ort 9: 3745-3748 (C) 1998 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.