Six trials were conducted during which a total of 12 congenic lines (Univer
sity of California-Davis, UCD) homozygous for various B-complex haplotypes,
were challenged as neonates by intraperitoneal injection with either of tw
o isolates of Salmonella enteritidis. Because these B haplotypes were expre
ssed on a common genetic background (highly inbred Line UCD 003), and morta
lity differences among lines were statistically significant in three of the
six trials, and morbidity (body weight) differences were significant in an
other trial; it is suggested that B-complex alleles affect the degree of im
munity to these isolates. When all Lines and trials were compared, Line 342
(B-C/B-C) emerged as particularly resistant, whereas lines 253 (B-18/B-18)
and 254 (B-15/B-15) were more susceptible. The remainder of the lines were
of neutral (intermediate) susceptibility.
Sex did not appear to influence the results of the challenge, but more resi
stance was observed with an increase in the age at inoculation. Although th
e mechanism that determined this resistance is unknown it was present as ea
rly as 3 d of age, and it is suggested that complement proteins, which have
a known role in protection from bacterial infections, and are encoded by g
enes located within the B-complex, or acute phase proteins, may account for
these observations. The results provide additional evidence for the import
ance of the B-complex in determining immunity to Salmonella.