In a series of 617 patients undergoing thyroidectomy, 86 cases (13.9%) were
identified as having hyperthyroidism. Forty-nine out of these 86 patients
suffered from Graves disease. Histopathologic evaluation revealed a low gra
de papillary thyroid carcinoma in two out of the 86 specimens from the hype
rthyroid patients. Therefore, the incidence of malignancy among all our pat
ients with hyperthoidism is 2.3% and among those with Graves disease is 4.1
%. Patients with hyperthyroidism and concurrent nodular or diffuse goiter a
re at possible risk for thyroid carcinoma. The indication for surgical rese
ction is given in these cases where the success of thyroistatic treatment i
s low and where patients are at higher risk for thyroid malignancy. In a sh
ort review of the literature, we discuss the coincidence of the two patholo
gic entities and their possible association.