A series of experiments conducted by Chan has shown that while some shock w
aves may not be strong enough to induce detonation when they collide with a
n obstacle the resulting Mach stem will induce detonation if it collides wi
th a subsequent obstruction. A series of numerical simulations, however, fa
iled to demonstrate the expected results if either the Euler or laminar Nav
ier-Stokes equations are solved. On the other hand, calculations using the
Favre averaged Navier-Stokes equations with a k-epsilon-F turbulence model
are able to reproduce the experimental results, indicating that turbulent e
ffects may play an important role in the ignition process. A detailed exami
nation of the results shows that turbulence causes the formation of activat
ed kernels in a similar process to that observed in deflagration-detonation
transition. The simulations in this paper have been undertaken using a mod
em high resolution hydrocode and a reduced kinetics mechanism for hydrogen
combustion. The paper describes the reduced mechanism, the solution methods
employed in the hydrocode and discusses the results of the simulations and
their implications.