Background. Controversy exists about optimal management of patients with pr
imary hyperparathyroidism. To date, no studies have explored the cost impli
cations of variation in practice.
Methods. Results from a national survey of endocrine surgeons were combined
with results from a survey of endocrinologists and financial data from Med
icare. Patterns of use of resources were identified, annual costs for the s
urgical management of primary hyperparathyroidism in the United States were
calculated, and the financial impact of variation in practice was estimate
Results. Survey respondents (n = 109) were experienced endocrine surgeons,
performing an average of 33 parathyroidectomies annually. Seventy-five perc
ent of patients undergo localization before initial exploration for primary
hyperparathyroidism. In order of preference, these studies were sestamibi
(43%), ultrasonography (28%), and sestamibi with single-photon emission com
puted tomography (26%). Although there is variation in preoperative and pos
toperative practice, in-hospital costs have the greatest influence on total
cost. An estimated $282 million is spent annually in the United States on
operations for primary hyperparathyroidism. National health expenditures co
uld range by more than $70 million depending on whether management strategi
es involving low or high use of resources are employed.
Conclusions. Substantial variation among endocrine surgeons in the manageme
nt of primary hyperparathyroidism has important cost implications. Implemen
tation of evidence-based guidelines to optimize clinical and economic perfo
rmance should be considered.