There is a lack of specific herd health program for organically farmed beef
suckler herds (cow/calf operations). The results of a postal survey of org
anic beef cattle fanners managing beef suckler herds to deter mine their pr
oblems are described. These are related to research results presented in th
e literature Farmers indicated that their problems were related to labour c
osts and the marketing of products. Their future plans were aimed mainly at
increasing herd productivity and an extension of direct marketing. In orde
r to achieve this aim, improvements infertility, animal health and growth a
re necessary. Veterinarians are the most important consultants to organic b
eef cattle farms for improving animal health and hygiene. Herd health progr
ammes for organic farms need to be based on preventive measures which requi
re epidemiological expertise and strategic planning. Continuing education i
s required to transfer these concepts to veterinarians.