Rhodnius prolixus interpopulation variability was studied based on a new ap
proach using salivary heme proteins (nitrophorins) electrophoresis in starc
h gel. We compared salivary proteins profiles of R. prolixus from three dif
ferent laboratory colonies from Honduras, Venezuela, Brazil and Rhodnius ro
bustus from Venezuela, constructing a UPGMA. The Honduran and Venezuelan po
pulations could not be distinguished from each other, but the Brazilian pop
ulation was well separated from the others. The high similarity between Hon
duran and Venezuelan specimens lends support to current theories that the C
entral American populations of R. prolixus may have been introduced from a
Venezuelan origin. The low polymorphism shown by the Honduran specimens is
in agreement with a possible founder effect. This new approach also disting
uished R. prolixus populations from R. robustus, species with extreme pheno
typical similarity. (C) 1998 Published by Elsevier Science B.V. All rights