The German provisional prevalidated official method for the determination o
f residues of benzylpenicillin in muscle (beef) which uses gas chromatograp
hy with nitrogen-specific detection (GC-NPD) was successfully adapted to ga
s chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) with selected-ion monitoring. Th
e programmed temperature vaporisation injection technique used in the origi
nal method was substituted by on-column injection. An isotope dilution proc
edure for benzylpenicillin using C-13(2)-labelled benzylpenicillin as inter
nal standard was developed to improve the reliability of the CC-MS results.
The spectral overlap of this labelled standard and the analyte caused a no
n-linear relationship in calibration for which linear bracketing and single
-point calibration were compared. Single-point calibration proved to be the
superior method, showing less deviation from the 'true' value, while at th
e same time requiring fewer calibration measurements. A comparison of the r
esults obtained by using (i) external standardisation only, (ii) a close an
alogue of the analyte (phenoxymethylpenicillin) and (iii) C-13(2)-labelled
Pen G as internal standard showed, as was to be expected, that varying reco
veries are best corrected by using the isotope-labelled standard.