A method for the detection of overfitting of noisy spectra is presented. Wh
en fitting data that contains random noise, the autocorrelation function (R
-L) of residuals at lag 1 (R-1) approaches zero and then shows a tendency t
oward more negative values, while the Wald-Wolfowitz test tends to give mor
e positive values, as the data is overfitted. Models that give residuals wi
th a non-random ordering may be rejected. The use of these functions for th
e determination of the "best" fitting of several approximations (Savitzky-G
olay smoothing, segmented osculating polynomials (SOPA), Fourier series, an
d Lorentzian bands) to a noisy synthetic spectrum, and the application to i
nfrared spectra of coal, is shown. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science B.V. All right
s reserved.