We studied the accuracy of volume integral equation simulations of internal
fields in small particles illuminated by a monochromatic plane wave as wel
l as the accuracy of the scattered fields. We obtained this accuracy by con
sidering scattering by spheres and comparing the simulated internal and sca
ttered fields with those obtained by Mie theory. The accuracy was measured
in several error norms (e.g., mean and root mean square). Furthermore, the
distribution of the errors within the particle was obtained. The accuracy w
as measured as a function of the size parameter and the refractive index of
the sphere and as a function of the cube size used in the simulations. The
size parameter of the sphere was as large as 10, and three refractive indi
ces were considered. The errors in the internal field are located mostly on
the surface of the sphere, and even for fine discretizations they remain r
elatively large. The errors depend strongly on the refractive index of the
particle. If the discretization is kept constant, the errors depend only we
akly on the size parameter. We also examined the case of sharp internal fie
ld resonances in the sphere. We show that the simulation is able to reprodu
ce the resonances in the internal field, although at a slightly larger refr
active index. (C) 1998 Optical Society of America. OCIS codes: 290.0290, 29