Objective.-The College of American Pathologists Cell Markers Committee desi
gned a study to evaluate the use of immunohistochemistry primary antibodies
beyond manufacturers' recommended dates.
Methods.-Pathologists were asked to save aliquots of primary antibodies dur
ing mid-1997 so that by spring 1998 the reagents would be "outdated" accord
ing to manufacturers' recommendations. Three tumors were immunostained both
in mid-1997 and early 1998 (using outdated reagents in 1998). Two hundred
twenty-one laboratories participated.
Patient Samples.-Immunostained materials consisted of an angiomyolipoma imm
unostained for muscle-specific actin and HMB-45, a melanoma immunostained f
or S100 protein and HMB-45, and a large cell lymphoma immunostained for com
mon leukocyte antigen and HMB-45. Blocks from the same tumor were used in e
ach instance.
Main Outcome Measure.-We compared the immunostaining results as a percentag
e of laboratories indicating a positive or negative immunohistochemical res
ult between the 1997 and 1998 time points.
Results.-Only minor differences were identified for the 221 reporting labor
atories in 1998 as compared with those in 1997.
Conclusions.-The data suggest review of the Health Care Financing Administr
ation's ruling on extending the useful reagent shelf life beyond manufactur
ers recommendations. Similar studies using more inherently quantitative met
hodology are suggested.