Objective. To examine a range of variables potentially associated with rheu
matoid arthritis (RA)-related fatigue and to determine which variables best
predict subjective fatigue.
Methods. Measures of fatigue, disease activity, pain, and various psychosoc
ial factors were gathered from 73 individuals with RA, Correlations between
fatigue and other variables were examined, and the "best" predictors of fa
tigue were determined with multiple regression analyses.
Results. Many of the variables that were significantly correlated with fati
gue had a psychosocial character. Moreover, the "best" predictors of increa
sed fatigue were higher levels of pain, more depressive symptoms, and femal
e sex. Longer symptom duration, less perceived adequacy of social support,
and less disease activity were significant predictors of fatigue, over and
above the "best" model.
Conclusion. RA-related fatigue appears to be strongly associated with psych
osocial variables, apart from disease activity per se. Correspondingly, tre
atment of fatigue may be enhanced by interventions that address relevant co
gnitive and behavioral dimensions.