Integrated pest management (IPM) programmes often look for more specific wa
ys to control pests Biological central agents such as the bacterium, Bacill
us thuringiensis Berliner, and the fungus, Beauveria bassiana (Balsamo) Vui
llemin, can control insects with minimal disturbance to the environment bec
ause of their host specificity and short half-lives. Often these agents alo
ne cannot pi event yield loss or are too expensive. This study looked at th
e in vitro combination of these agents and photoactive dyes, especially phl
oxine B (red dye D&C 28), a Food and Drug Administration approved dye, with
the intent to provide better insect control. Photoactive dyes are being te
sted for the control of many pest insects. Phloxine B and related xanthene
dyes, eosin y, fluorescein and rose bengal inhibited the growth of both B.
thuringiensis and B. bassiana Phloxine B was the most inhibitory and fluore
scein the least inhibitory dye for both microbes. The magnitude of inhibiti
on increased with increasing concentration of dye and light intensity. Ther
efore, an adverse effect on the field performance of these biological contr
ol agents in combination with xanthene dyes would be expected.