Diets prevalent in vegetarian populations using rice and other whole grains
as staples with little consumption of yellow vegetables are low in ribofla
vin. These diets have poor bioavailability of iron and zinc because metals
are present as inorganic salts with low solubility. Riboflavin has the capa
city to form complexes, and supplementation of riboflavin may result in inc
reased absorption of zinc and iron, thus increasing the cellular transport.
Therefore, riboflavin may have direct as well as indirect effects on growt
h. Using this as the conceptual basis, experiments were conducted on pregna
nt and lactating mice. Two groups, each of 12 mice (9 females acid 3 males)
, were observed on a low-riboflavin rice-based diet (adequate in all other
nutrients), one with and one without supplementation of 10 mg riboflavin/kg
diet. There was significant improvement in the growth parameters like perc
ent conception, mean weight gain in pregnancy, mean weight of pups at the a
ge of 21 d, and percentage hemoglobin due to riboflavin supplementation (p
< 0.05). Percent zinc absorption, for the low-riboflavin diet, the suppleme
nted diet, and the synthetic control diet were 16.4 +/- 5.7, 33.7 +/- 8.9,
and 44.6 +/- 4.0, respectively, indicating the beneficial effect of ribofla
vin supplementation on iron and zinc utilization.