Background This study investigated three questions with major implications
for suicide prevention: the sensitivity of the history of previous suicide
attempt(s) as an indicator of suicide risk, the time interval from a preced
ing suicide attempt to the fatal one, and switching of suicide methods by t
hose eventually completing suicide.
Method The lifetime history of suicide attempts and the methods the victims
(n=1397) used were examined in a nationwide psychological autopsy study co
mprising all suicides in Finland within a 12-month research period in 1987-
Results Overall, 56% of suicide victims were found to have died at their fi
rst suicide attempt, more males (62%) than females (38%). In 19% of males a
nd 39% of females the victim had made a non-fatal attempt during the final
year. Of the victims with previous attempts, 82% had used at least two diff
erent methods in their suicide attempts (the fatal included).
Conclusions Most male and a substantial proportion of female suicides die i
n their first suicide attempt, a fact that necessitates early recognition o
f suicide risk, particularly among males. Recognition of periods of high su
icide risk on the grounds of recent non-fatal suicide attempts is likely to
be important for suicide prevention among females. Subjects completing sui
cide commonly switch from one suicide method to another, a finding that wea
kens but does not negate the credibility of restrictions on the availabilit
y of lethal methods as a preventive measure.