Homeobox genes play key roles in specifying body part identity during verte
brate embryonic development. Retinoids are signaling molecules involved in
the regulation of expression of homeobox genes. We have previously identifi
ed an retinoic acid (RA)-inducible enhancer (RAIDR(5)) located similar to 6
.5 kb 3' of the coding region of the murine Hoxb1 gene. This 3' enhancer co
ntains three sequences that are highly conserved in similar RA-inducible en
hancers identified in the murine and human Hoxa1 genes and in the chicken H
oxb1 gene. One element, a DR5 RA response element, contributes to the RA in
ducibility of a Hoxb1 reporter gene construct in F9 cells. In this report,
further analysis of the other two elements of the Hoxb1 3' enhancer is repo
rted. The two other sequences, conserved element (CE) 1 and CE2, act as neg
ative elements in cultured F9 cells; when either is mutated, an increase in
the beta-galactosidase activity of a Hoxb1 reporter gene construct results
. A single Hoxb1 CE2 DNA element:protein binding complex was detected in F9
stem cells, and experiments suggest that this is the same binding protein
that recognizes the CE2 element of Hoxa1. In:a variant F9 cell line in whic
h both allelic copies of the RA receptor gamma (RAR gamma) gene are disrupt
ed, the CE2 binding complex is absent, and this absence correlates with the
inability of the CE2 element to function as a repressor of Hoxb1 reporter
gene expression in these cells. A single Hoxb1 CE1 binding complex is also
detected by gel shift assays in nuclear extracts prepared from both stem an
d RA-treated F9 cells. This complex contains an M-r similar to 200,000 prot
ein as shown by UV cross-linking. Although the sequences of the CE1 element
s of Hoxb1 and Hoxa1 are highly conserved, they differ by two nucleotides,
Gel shift analysis shows that either of these nucleotide changes prevents b
inding of F9 cell protein extracts. When gel shift assays were performed us
ing nuclear extracts prepared from mouse embryos at a time when Hoxb1 mRNA
is expressed, i.e., day 9.0, CE1 and CE2 binding complexes identical in mob
ility to those detected in F9 cells were observed. This suggests roles for
both the CE1 and CE2 elements in regulating Hoxb1 gene expression during de