One of the challenging issues in modern biomedical science is the increasin
g number of osteoporosis patients due to the expansion of elderly populatio
ns. Among aging-related pathogenic changes, alterations in bone function an
d skeletal pathogenesis is a particularly important issue of concern. Osteo
porosis is one of the most serious bone-related pathogenic states, as it ca
uses serious loss of quality of Life. Alterations in estrogen levels in acc
ordance with aging are one of the key risk factors for osteoporosis. Comple
xed estrogen actions on bones can be traced by analyzing bone mineral compo
nents, as those elements accumulate as mineral complexes, reflecting the co
ntext of multiple cellular reactions such as bone resorption/osteogenesis.
We have analyzed bone trace element composition in ovariectomized (OVX-trea
ted) Cynomolgus monkey models in this study. In order to gain insights into
the effects of such defects on bone trace element composition, inductively
coupled plasma atomic emissions spectrometry (ICP-AES) analysis was perfor
med. Marked changes in bone trace element levels were found in vertebral bo
nes of OVX-treated Cynomolgus monkeys. An assessment of these trace element
spectra in OVX model animals is discussed. These results could provide use
ful markers for understanding the physiological states of bones in postmeno
pausal women.