We present an approach to estimate hourly grid-cell surface ozone concentra
tions based on observations from point monitoring sites in space, for compa
rison with grid-based results from the SARMAP photochemical air-quality mod
el for a region of northern California. Statistical estimation is carried o
ut on a transformed (square root) scale, followed by back-transforming to t
he original scale of ozone in parts per billion, adjusting for bias and var
iance. We estimate a spatially-varying diurnal mean structure and a non-sep
arable space-time correlation structure on the transformed scale. Temporal
pre-whitening is followed by modelling of a spatially nonstationary, diurna
lly-varying spatial correlation structure using a spatial deformation appro
ach. Comparisons of SARMAP model results with the estimated grid-cell ozone
levels are presented.