To review the evidence concerning the association between (different forms
of? day-care and otitis media in children aged 0-4 years, we performed a me
ta-analysis of studies identified by a systematic search with Medline from
1966 to July 1997 and by the reference lists. Seventeen articles were class
ified as useful because these articles studied children of 0-4 years of age
and because odds ratios as well as confidence intervals were presented or
could be calculated. All these studies found a association between attendin
g a day-care centre and otitis media. The association between otitis media
and family care was less clear. Differences in study design, age of the sub
jects, and controlled variables did not explain the association.
Conclusion Day-care is a risk factor for developing otitis media: the numbe
r of children seems to be important for this effect, probably due to increa
sed exposure to otitis media pathogens.