This research focuses on the construct validity of two methodologies for as
sessing cognitive organization or "knowledge structures." Validity evidence
is evaluated by considering the complex interrelations among experience, k
nowledge structures, and training outcomes. These relations are explored in
the context: of a laboratory-based, computer-related training initiative.
In this article, results are presented that suggest that certain types of p
rior experience and some indicators of knowledge structures have significan
t relations with posttraining performance. However, the validity evidence g
athered in this study does not support the notion that the two knowledge st
ructure assessment methods used are capturing equivalent aspects of knowled
ge. Moreover, context effects are indicated such that the relations among k
nowledge structures, experience, and training outcomes vary as a function o
f the set of concepts used in structural assessment. General implications f
or research can training, knowledge acquisition, and performance are consid