No correlation was observed between single-event gate rupture (SEGR) and pr
ecursor damage by heavy-ion irradiation for 7-nm thermal and nitrided oxide
s. Precursor ion damage at biases below SEGR threshold for fluence variatio
ns over three orders of magnitude had no significant effect on SEGR thresho
lds. These data support a true single ion model for SEGR. A physical model
based on the concept of a conducting pipe is developed that explains the em
pirical equation for the linear dependence of inverse critical field to rup
ture with LET. This model also explains the dependence of critical voltage
on angle of incidence. As the oxide thickness approaches the diameter of th
e conducting pipe, the angular dependence of the critical voltage disappear
s. A model fit to the data suggests a central core diameter of 6 and 8 nm f
or conducting pipes induced in MOS oxides by Br and Au ions, respectively.
The buildup of precursor ion damage in the oxides depends on ion species an
d bias during irradiation, but is not consistent with the accumulation of t
otal ionizing dose damage. Some 5-nm oxides exhibited the characteristic hi
gh leakage current of SEGR; however, most 5-nm devices showed only soft bre
akdown during heavy ion exposure with electric fields up to 12 MV/cm.