In 1991, 1994 and 1997 Shatz et al. reported on a specific and pathognomoni
c basement membrane (BM) thickening of the vocal cord in cases of sudden in
fant death syndrome (SIDS). In 40 cases of sudden and unexpected infant dea
th the histological examination of the larynx was performed to identify pos
sible differences between SID (n = 26) and non-SID (n = 14) cases. The diss
ection technique of Hohmann (1963) and Maxeiner (1986) was modified for the
infant's larynx. Since the normal range of the BM thickness of the vocal c
ord for the age group younger than 1 year had not yet been exactly defined,
a reference interval had to be established (0.5 mu m-2.0 mu m). In 2 SID a
nd 1 non-SID cases a mean BM, thickness (BMT) of more than 2.0 mu m could b
e estimated (2.38 mu m-2.95 mu m). The BMT in these cases appeared to be hi
ghly variable and not harmonically thickened. None of the investigated regi
ons of the BM (cranial to caudal thirds, ventral to dorsal areas) seemed to
be prefered thickened. There was no statistically significant difference b
etween the two groups. A specific thickening of the BM of the vocal cord in
SID cases could not be confirmed. Therefore, BMT cannot be used as a diagn
ostic postmortem marker for SID.