In West and Central Africa, countries with high rates of emigration and imm
igration tend to have higher rates of HIV infection. However, there is one
exception, Senegal, an exception demonstrating that high levels of mobility
and migration do not necessarily lead to rapid and extensive spread of HIV
Five different population groups are considered in this article, either bec
ause their numbers are substantial or because their role in the spread of H
IV and STDs is known to be important. They are migrant labourers, truck dri
vers, itinerant traders, commercial sex workers (CSWs), and refugees.
It is difficult to estimate numbers of migrant labourers but they are commo
n in West Africa. Principal migration routes flow towards the coast, with t
hree coastal countries constituting the main centres of immigration: Senega
l, Nigeria and Cote d'Ivoire. In Central Africa, the most prominent are bet
ween Cameroon, Congo, Gabon and the Democratic Republic of Congo (formerly
Zaire). The role of truck drivers in the spread of HIV/STDs is well documen
ted in East Africa, but less so in West and Central Africa. Itinerant tradi
ng is often a major economic activity for women. Itinerant women traders ma
y be especially vulnerable to infection with HIV and other STDs since their
trading activities often involve travelling long distances without their f
amilies and selling sexual services to supplement their other trading activ
ities. In West and Central Africa, prostitutes constitute a particular type
of migrant, many of whom travel on an international scale. Prostitutes fro
m Senegal and Guinea Bissau work in Gambia, those from Togo work in Cote d'
lvoire, and those from Ghana work in Benin, Senegal and Cote d'Ivoire. Fina
lly, the continent has seen large-scale refugee movements in recent years.
The research indicates a complex relationship between migration and HIV inf
ection. Clearly not all migrants have the same risk of infection and thus d
o not contribute equally to the spread of HIV. However, there is little ana
lysis to date on the influences of different types of migration (which migh
t be characterized by duration, frequency of return visits, living conditio
ns, etc.) on the spread of HIV infection. Strong associations between migra
tion and HIV seropositivity have suggested to various authors that migrant
workers may be more involved in sexual activities with multiple partners, p
articularly while away from their home environment. However, few studies ve
rify this hypothesis directly.
Practical strategies for preventing the spread of HIV/AIDS among migrant po
pulations in West and Central Africa must aim at providing information befo
re departure, along the communication routes, at the final destination and
at the time of their return journey. The degree of concentration at each st
age will depend on the characteristics of the population. For example, male
migrants should be informed before departure of the risk they take by havi
ng non-protected-sexual contacts during their absence. This is perhaps the
most effective strategy for truck drivers and seasonal migrant labourers. W
hatever strategy is used, however, solid collaboration will be required bet
ween countries, particularly with respect to information and prevention cam
paigns, and to the avoidance of stigmatization of any group, of individuals