Epidermolytic hyperkeratosis (EHK), or bullous congenital ichthyosifor
m erythroderma, is characterized by generalized erythroderma, ichthyos
iform skin and blistering, and is caused by an aberration of the kerat
in intermediate filaments. In this study, we examined keratin K10 and
1 gene mutations in a Japanese EHK patient who had severe ichthyosifor
m erythroderma at birth and developed subsequent blistering. The patie
nt had a G to A transition at codon 156 of the keratin K10 gene, which
resulted in an arginine (Arg)-->histidine (His) substitution in the h
elix initiation peptide of the highly-conserved 1A domain in keratin K
10. This is the first mutation report of a Japanese patient with EHK,
although the position and mode of the mutation identified here did not
differ from those in reported Western cases.