This paper presents a comparative study of simplified, ideal and inverted d
ecoupling. The stability, robustness and implementation of the three decoup
ling methods are studied. The structured singular value (SSV) is used to ca
rry out some comparisons. It is demonstrated that robust performance and ro
bust stability of a nominally stable control system are equivalent for the
three decoupling methods when the controllers are tuned to obtain identical
nominal performance. A relation is derived between the presence of right-h
alf plane (RHP) zeros of a process in series with its simplified decoupler
and the instability of the ideal and inverted decouplers for the same proce
ss. This paper also describes a potential implementation problem related to
the particular structure of the inverted decoupling. Finally, a recapitula
tive table of the main advantages and limitations of each decoupling method
is presented. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.