The glnA gene in the domains Bacteria and Archaea encodes glutamine synthet
ase, a universally distributed enzyme that functions in ammonia assimilatio
n and glutamine synthesis. We investigated the regulation and function of g
lnA in the methanogenic archaeon Methanococcus maripaludis. The deduced ami
no acid sequence of the gene demonstrated its membership in class GSI-alpha
of glutamine synthetases. The gene appeared to be expressed as a monocistr
onic operon. glnA mRNA levels and specific activities of glutamine syntheta
se were regulated similarly by nitrogen. Three transcription start sites we
re identified, corresponding to two overlapping nitrogen-regulated promoter
s and one weaker constitutive promoter. An inverted repeat immediately upst
ream of the regulated transcription start sites mediated repression under n
oninducing conditions. Thus, mutations that altered the sequence of the inv
erted repeat resulted in derepression. The inverted repeat had sequence sim
ilarity, with a repeat that we previously identified as the nif operator of
M. maripaludis, suggesting a common mechanism of nitrogen regulation. Effo
rts to produce a glnA null mutant failed, suggesting that glnA is an essent
ial gene in M. maripaludis.