At the recent tuberous sclerosis complex consensus conference, the clinical
diagnostic criteria for tuberous sclerosis complex were simplified and rev
ised to reflect both new clinical information about tuberous sclerosis comp
lex and an improved understanding of the disorder derived from molecular ge
netic studies. Based on this new information, some clinical signs once rega
rded as pathognomonic for tuberous sclerosis complex are now known to be le
ss specific. No single sign is present in all affected patients, and there
is no proof that any single clinical or radiographic sign is absolutely spe
cific for tuberous sclerosis complex. Accordingly, the clinical and radiogr
aphic features of tuberous sclerosis complex have now been divided into maj
or and minor categories based on the apparent degree of specificity for tub
erous sclerosis complex of each feature. A definitive diagnosis of tuberous
sclerosis complex now requires two or more distinct types of lesions, rath
er than multiple lesions of the same type in the same organ system. Althoug
h diagnosis on purely clinical grounds can continue to be difficult in a fe
w patients, there should be little doubt about the diagnosis for those indi
viduals who fulfill these strict criteria. Couples with more than one child
with tuberous sclerosis complex, no extended family history, and no clinic
al features of tuberous sclerosis complex are more likely to have germline
mosaicism for tuberous sclerosis than nonexpression of the mutation. Germli
ne mosaicism, while fortunately rare, will not be suspected from either dia
gnostic criteria or molecular testing until a couple has multiple affected
children. Genetic counseling for families with one affected child should in
clude a small (1% to 2%) possibility of recurrence, even for parents who ha
ve no evidence of tuberous sclerosis complex after a thorough diagnostic ev