If salmonids attempt to optimize their energy gain, then one could assume t
hat all fish with knowledge of a particular environment would occupy the sa
me habitat if it were not already occupied by a competitively dominant indi
vidual. We attempted to determine whether individual cutthroat trout introd
uced at separate times would select the same channel units within sections
of stream when all larger trout were removed from those sections. Cutthroat
trout disproportionately used pools, but not to the exclusion of riffles d
espite the absence of larger fish. In only one of seven sections did differ
ent cutthroat trout select the same channel unit throughout the study. In t
he remaining sections, they did not consistently occupy the same channel un
it. We believe that incomplete knowledge of the available habitat, or littl
e difference in food availability among a few habitats, may have caused the
lack of consistent habitat selection.