Nutritional intake in the patient with hepatobiliary disease provides the c
ornerstone of balanced medical care. Optimal recommendations require consid
eration of general nutritional principles, special species requirements and
contemporary needs uniquely related to the patient's medical problem. Alth
ough general recommendations follow well-established guidelines developed t
o meet metabolic requirements for normal health, there is little informatio
n regarding altered requirements in animals that are iii. Consequently, rec
ommendations for animals have been derived empirically from studies complet
ed in humans, most work having been done in patients with end stage cirrhos
is or liver failure complicated by hepatic encephalopathy. This is problema
tic because most veterinary patients with liver disease are not in hepatic
failure and do not suffer from hepatic encephalopathy. latrogenic malnutrit
ion can develop in patients when protein-restricted diets are inappropriate
ly recommended. Insufficient energy intake and negative nitrogen balance ca
n complicate a patient's condition, impairing tissue regeneration and recov
ery from disease. This paper reviews strategies that can be used to individ
ualize nutritional management in small companion animals with hepatobiliary
disease, Consideration is given to both the known and controversial issues
regarding energy requirements, dietary energy distribution, vitamin and mi
cronutrient supplementation, the special requirements of the cat with hepat
ic lipidosis, as well as strategies effective for palliation of hepatic enc