Densities of solid Mg and Li-Mg alloys were measured for five compositions
of mole fractions of Li equal to 0.05, 0.1, 0.15, 0.20, and 0.25, respectiv
ely, by the dilatometric method. The curvilinear dependence of the density
on temperature (room temperature up to 873 K) was observed for all investig
ated alloys, Results could be described by parabolic equations. The molar v
olumes of Li-Mg alloys were calculated from the density measurements, It ha
s been found that the densities of solid Li-Mg alloys show positive deviati
ons from linearity, and the molar volumes exhibit negative deviations from
linear dependence for all samples in the experimental concentration range,
It was possible to describe the dependence of density on temperature and co
ncentration by a polynomial, Coefficients of thermal expansion were calcula
ted and discussed. The density of the (Li) phase along the (Li)/[(Mg) + (Li
)] boundary was calculated and described by a temperature-dependent polynom
ial of the third power.