Thermistor chain data collected in Lake Biwa (Japan) during a period of str
ong stratification were used to determine the nature of the water column re
sponse to wind forcing. The evolution of the basin-scale waves in the lake
were reproduced in three-dimensional numerical simulations and the time var
iability of the internal wave spectrum is discussed based on spectral analy
sis of the thermistor chain records. Severe winds associated with the passa
ge of three typhoons during the sampling period excited basin-scale Kelvin
and Poincare waves, which, by interaction with the topography of the lake a
nd non-linear effects, generate trains of high-frequency internal waves. Ti
me-frequency analysis of the temperature signals suggests that the omega(-2
) slope of the internal wave spectrum is probably the result of the composi
tion of groups of waves with high intermittence travelling through the wave
guide. The observed rapid decay of internal wave energy after severe wind
events seemed to be due mostly to high dissipation at the sloping boundarie
s of the lake.