The Technical Committee on "Medical Informatics" of the European Committee
for Standardization (CENT/TC251) is supporting developers of terminological
systems in healthcare by a series of standards. The dream of "universal" c
oding system was abandoned in favor of a coherent family of terminologies,
diversified according to tasks; two ideas were introduced: (1) the "categor
ical structure", i,e. a model of semantic categories and their relations wi
thin a subject field and (2) the "cross-thesaurus", i,e. a system of descri
ptors to build a systematic representation (called here "dissection") for e
ach terminological phrase, coherent across diverse terminologies on a given
subject field.
The goal is to assure coexistence and interoperability land reciprocal supp
ort for development and maintenance) to three generations of systems: (1) t
raditional paper-based systems (first generation); (2) compositional system
s built according to a categorical structure and a cross-thesaurus (second
generation) and (3) formal models (third generation). Various scenarios are
presented, on the exploitation of computer-based terminological systems. T
he idea of "operational meaning" of terminological phrases within administr
ative and organizational contexts and the idea of "task-oriented details" a
re also introduced, to justify and exploit design constraints on terminolog
ical systems.