Amanita cistetorum and Psathyrella liciosae, two noteworthy Agaricales from
southern Italy, are described as new. Amanita cistetorum is a greyish memb
er of the subgenus Vaginaria, section Ovigerae, the distinctive characters
of which are the subglobose spores and the structure mostly filamentous of
its veil. Apparently a mycorrhizal symbiont of Cistus, the new species has
so far been collected only in Sardinia. Psathyrella liciosas, a tiny, psamm
ophilous species of the subsgenus Psathyra, is characterized by the spores
lacking an evident germ-pore and is well distinct from the taxa of the sect
ion Hydrophilae by the comparatively longer spores and the peculiar cystidi
a the content of which is refringent when mounted in ammonium hydroxide.