The kinetic energy spectra and angular distributions of projectilelike frag
ments were measured by silicon based Delta E-E telescopes in 95 MeV F-19 Nb-93. The spectra of oxygen and nitrogen fragments show the existence of t
wo reaction mechanisms, namely, quasielastic transfer and incomplete fusion
reactions. On the other hand, the carbon and other lower Z fragments show
broad Gaussian spectra indicative of incomplete fusion reactions only. The
quasielastic transfer is explained in terms of the direct surface transfer
model. The cross sections of complete and incomplete fusion channels agree
with the calculations based on the sum-rule model. Recoil range distributio
ns of evaporation residues formed in the 95 MeV F-19 + Nb-93 reaction were
measured using recoil catcher and off-line gamma-ray spectrometry. The resu
lts corroborate the binary nature of the incomplete fusion reactions. [S055