Practice: Purpose: Contrary to in-patient psychiatric care, quality assuran
ce in the area of psychiatrists in outpatient practice is hardly in use. Me
thods: Neuroleptic therapy regarding the following quality criteria was exa
mined for 6 months in an outpatient psychiatric practice: choice of neurole
ptics, dosage and combination of additional psychopharmacological medicatio
ns. Results: 13 different neuroleptics were prescribed to 147 schizophrenic
patients, most frequently haloperidol and clozapin. 31% of these patients
(n =147) fell below the dosage recommendations for maintenance therapy. The
most frequent psychopharmacological combinations were the combination of t
wo neuroleptics (30%), the combination with lithium or carbamazepin (28%) a
nd the combination with antidepressants (23%). Conclusion: Standardised tre
atment suggestions as guidelines are valuable for psychiatrists in an outpa
tients setting. In some cases it is necessary to develop individual treatme
nt strategies that vary from the usual treatment standards.