This research evaluated the utility of motivationally relevant implicit mem
ory measures in predicting marijuana and alcohol use in a sample of cultura
lly diverse drug offenders. In addition, the authors examined whether cultu
ral variables interacted with these predictive effects. Implicit memory was
assessed with measures of word association (cue-behavior and outcome-behav
ior association) that implicitly activates drug-related memory associations
to drug cues. Results indicate that the implicit memory measures used in t
his research were significant predictors of alcohol and marijuana use. Accu
lturation, ethnicity, and gender did not modify the relationships between i
mplicit memory and substance use. The results are consistent with psychopha
rmacological theories contending that (a) repeated experience with drugs in
fluences motivationally relevant associations in memory and (b) these assoc
iations perpetuate drug use.